
Subtitleoptionswillautomaticallybeaddedtoyourdownload.Toactivatesubtitles,andchoosefromtheavailablelanguages,openthevideofileinyour ...,TEDvideo/subtitle/commentsdownloader.GitHubGist:instantlysharecode,notes,andsnippets.,TEDvideoscanbedownloaded...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How do I download talks to watch offline?

Subtitle options will automatically be added to your download. To activate subtitles, and choose from the available languages, open the video file in your ...

TED videosubtitlecomments downloader

TED video/subtitle/comments downloader. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

How do I download a TED video?

TED videos can be downloaded directly from their website: alt text. You can also get it through their RSS feed if you want.

3 Ways to Download TED Talks for Free

If you are looking to get TED Talks with subtitles, go to TED.com to download the video. If you also want to download videos from other websites ...

Download Ted Subtitles Quickly And For Free

DownSub is a web application that can download Ted subtitles or captions directly from any Ted videos.

How to Download VideoAudio with Subtitles From TED

Link donate : http://paypal.me/lirstechtips Group : https://www.facebook.com/groups/808719699605259 Fan Page: ...

Download subtitles from TED talks for offline viewing

Just paste this URL: http://www.ted.com/talks/subtitles/id/33/lang/en into json-csv.com and you will be able to download a nicely formatted spreadsheet of the ...

Two ways to download a TED Talk from the website (updated)

One method allows you to download a video with automatic subtitles in English and several other languages. The other method quickly connects ...

TED videoaudiosubtitle file downloader (deprecated)

I made a simple python GUI application, TED Downloader, using tcl/tk that can easily download videos/audios with subtitles. Screenshots.

How do I watch a downloaded video with subtitles (TED.com)?

How do I watch a downloaded video with subtitles (TED.com)? · Open the TED video · In VLC, click “Subtitles” in the menu bar. · Hover over “Subtitle Track” in ...


Subtitleoptionswillautomaticallybeaddedtoyourdownload.Toactivatesubtitles,andchoosefromtheavailablelanguages,openthevideofileinyour ...,TEDvideo/subtitle/commentsdownloader.GitHubGist:instantlysharecode,notes,andsnippets.,TEDvideoscanbedownloadeddirectlyfromtheirwebsite:alttext.YoucanalsogetitthroughtheirRSSfeedifyouwant.,IfyouarelookingtogetTEDTalkswithsubtitles,gotoTED.comtodownloadthevideo....